
Black pepper (Maricha) is in public eye from very long time, it has been used in cooking in all of the globe. Its rich texture and taste gives different tinge in the dish, it is irreplaceable in the dish. Besides having great taste, it has many health benefits. So let’s know about black pepper:

(NOTE: These are general tips for basic awareness about the drug, consult Ayurvedic physician for guidance and usage of formulation. Prakruti analysis is important part of Ayurvedic examination, its finding varies from person to person. So, black pepper might have adverse effects on different people in different dosages, one must consult their Ayurvedic doctor before starting any of the following homely remedies).

  • Intake of maricha powder with pippali powder is very helpful in chronic indigestion.
  • ½ tsp Maricha, ½ tsp mishri with ½ tsp ghee with 1 tsp honey is very helpful in cough.
  • ½ tsp Maricha along with ½ tsp jaggery powder, helps in cough and relieves blockage.
  • 1 glass of Buttermilk along with ½ tsp maricha: works as digestive stimulant.
  • Usage of Maricha powder in regular diet helps to detoxify body and kills bacteria.
  • It acts as shirovirechak dravya and helps in urdhwajatrugat vyadhis. (above clavicle diseases)
  • Pinch of maricha in ½ cup warm water increase digestive fire.
  • According to Bhavprakash nighantu, Maricha powder promotes digestion power, reduces cough and cold and kills worm infestation.
  • Oil prepared from black pepper is highly recommended in urticarial patches, itching and also other skin disorders. Local application of this oil helps in inflammation, itching and local antimicrobial.
  • Inhalation of maricha should be avoided in early pregnancy, it has abortifacient property could lead to miscarriage.
  • ngestion of black pepper has given good results in patients of cholera (relief in nausea, diarrhoea).
  • It has been used as preventive measure against liver disorders, fever and good hypotensive agent.
  • It stimulates sweat as it is good diaphoretic.
  • It also has anti-parasitic property that helps in worm deworming, prevents flatulence.
  • Helpful in causing irritation to toxins stick to intestine, flushes them out.

It is used in flatulence, haemorrhoids, worms, indigestion and many more….. Consult your Ayurvedic consultant for further details.


  1. It induces heat in the body, if consumed in high amount can cause gastric irritation.
  2. It should not be taken with alcohol.
  3. It acts as abortifacient, must not be consumed by pregnant women.
  4. If consumed in high quantity can cause mouth ulcers, thermogenic (increases local temperature of skin), gastric irritation, gastric ulcers.


Bhavprakash nighantu (Prof. K. C. Chunekar).
Dravyaguna vignan (Nishteshwar, Hemadri).

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